It's everything, basically.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

a wordological wordism: "shitsterpiece"

so wordological wordisms is basically just going to be a cut-rate version of "nerd words" from Bloda's blog (see link bottom right) where a term that may or may not show up in a subsequent entry of the blog may or may not be defined. we go with the first one:

shitsterpiece (auf deutsch: Scheißterstück)
1. the top of the bottom.
2. so bad it might be good.
3. a glorious, shimmering, 4000-story towering inferno of regret and embarrassment.
4. wiping a really dirty ass with a winning $300-million-dollar lottery ticket (such that it is soiled beyond recognition and thus cannot be redeemed)

1. must be some sort of genius (artistic, scientific, political, etc...)
2. must have either produced a masterpiece or at least have the potential to

Tim Burton:
masterpiece: Pee Wee's Big Adventure
shitsterpice: Planet of the Apes remake
George Lucas:
masterpiece: Star Wars 4-6
shitsterpice: Star Wars 1-3
United States:
masterpiece: New York
shitsterpiece: Texas

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